Friday, May 24, 2013

The Goodbye...

Well my husband shipped out 30 ago today.  My family and I have gone through the emotions, the ups and downs, the laughter and the cries. Its like we have been in morning. A few days ago we had to go through yet again another good-bye. Justin was leaving the states and flying to the base, his next home for the next year. But till this point there is always a chance something comes up and they could fly home. But nope this is it. The day is here. So we get the FaceTime call... this is the last time we will be able to see him for a while. its a bitter sweet moment. i did video record it so i could share the emotions with you. my children and I are rather strong. We have never let him see us cry. Out of all the goodbye i have had to say t o him he hasn't seen a tear drop. But he has seen my eyes fill up, my bottom lip quiver and he has heard it in my voice. but never the act of crying, at the moment of goodbye.

After we say "see ya later" i cry, and just hold my babies or a few minutes. My son is the sweetest child. He hugs me and tell me "it's not for ever mom" Just hearing him say those words to me snaps me out of it!

My children are the reason this is the easiest deployment so far. My husband and i have been blessed with well behaved and healthy children. i thank god for that daily!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Ugh is this over yet?!

Well I haven't been writing a lot lately. I would love to write everyday but I just don't have the time or if I do have the time I'm just to damn tired. Most days a cant even remember if I showered in the morning. Between the kids and life and keeping up with the house I don't know if I'm coming or going. I'm not saying its a bad thing I'm just saying I not have time to think. All I know is I'm in robot  mode and keep doing what I'm doing. I continue to be blessed with things in my life so I know I have to be doing something right. I thank god for the life that I have!!!

These past few days we have been of course busy! We have been doing nothing but fun things:) the kids were able to spend some time with their cousins for some family time. I was involved with my best friends bridal shower and  bachelorette party. Which was fun for me. It was the first time in a long time I had a sitter. We've been to church, bike rides, walks and a lot more outside time. I hope my family and I continue to have the blessing we have had lately.

My husband has been doing well with the adjustment as well as us. I know he misses us but we still are able to talk everyday and when the Internet connection is strong we are able to FaceTime.

Here are some pics from the last few days...
My little loves!!

Heaven in a cup!